The A, B, C’s of Skin Care

Skin health is affected by many factors such as our diet, hydration, sleep, hormones and the products we apply to our skin. A consistent, quality regime is essential and doesn’t have to break the bank. Consider all that you spend on your hair, clothes, nails, lashes, etc. - shouldn’t your face be a priority?


Investing in the right medical grade products is the best way to get the most bang for your buck and the greatest return on your investment. Medical grade skincare contains higher percentages and better-quality ingredients that are needed to achieve results. Using inferior products is a true waste of time and money. If you are going to spend money to purchase products and dedicate time to in a regimen, make your investment count!

 Adult men and women should follow and use the ABCs of skincare: Vitamin A (ex. retinol), Broad Spectrum, mineral sunscreen and Vitamin C. Not all products have to be medical grade, but the only way to get quality in a retinol and vitamin C is in a medical grade product. Over the counter products lack quality ingredients, are high in water and filler ingredients, provide minimal concentrations of “active ingredients” and are mass produced. Branding, marketing and a low price point are what sells these products.

Here are a few recommendations to transform your skin:

Vitamin A

Vitamin A, also known as retinol or retinoids, is a powerhouse ingredient that has become a staple in many skincare formulas. This is the royal family of skin care. It’s ability to promote cell turnover, stimulate collagen production, and diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles make it the top choice for obvious reasons. Vitamin A is the gold standard of anti-aging and may also assist in effectively treating acne.

 Apart from anti-aging properties, Vitamin A is effective in combating acne, managing sebum production and reducing pore size. Enhanced cell turnover and prevention of clogged pores and blackheads are just a couple of the advantages of incorporating Vitamin A as an acne treatment. Acne can be a very frustrating condition to address, but with the proper consistent regimen and key ingredients, you can manage acne and prevent further breakouts.

 It is essential to use Vitamin A (Retinol) with caution, particularly for beginners, as they may cause mild irritation. Remember, all retinols are NOT created equal! Gradually introduce retinol into your routine and proper use of sunscreen is an absolute must! Certain formulas of Vitamin A create potential sensitivity to sunlight. It can be difficult to find the right formula for YOUR skin needs, so it’s important to consult with a skin care professional so that they may conduct a proper skin consultation and make recommendations that are most appropriate for your skin type and skin concerns.

Broad Spectrum SPF

 It is important to have a healthy relationship with the sun. Again, not all sunscreens are created equal – think safety and efficacy. Broad Spectrum Sunscreen should be worn every single day of the year to fight against premature aging and skin cancer. Broad-spectrum protections indicates that the product has been tested and proven against UVA (aging) and UVB (burning) rays, unlike most sunscreens.

 The American Academy of Dermatology recommends SPF 30 or higher for daily protection. This is said so often that sometimes we don’t hear it anymore: Do not dismiss this step! A common misconception is that the number or SPF value relates to the hours of sun exposure. That is false. For example, SPF 15 does not mean that you are protected for 15 hours. An SPF 15  means that you are 15 times more protected in the sun as opposed to wearing no SPF at all. The number of the SPF also tells you how much UVB (burning light) a sunscreen can filter out.

 Another common misconception, is that darker skin tones do not need to wear SPF. That is simply not true – SPF protection is important for all skin tones, even those that are not prone to burning. Without proper sun protection, your skin cells are vulnerable to damage from UVA, UVB and IR rays. These rays are present even on cloudy, rainy days and skin tone does not matter. Sunscreen is the most easily accessible and inexpensive way to prevent premature aging – there is no sensible reason to skin this step or believe that is not necessary. It is essential!

Vitamin C

There are many advantages of Vitamin C and the skin. It provides your skin cells with antioxidant protection, has a skin brightening effects, reduces melanogenesis by more than 80% and enhances collagen production, repairs sun damage.

 Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that defends your skin against harmful environmental factors including pollution, blue light, and infrared radiation. Antioxidants are chemicals that donate an electron and prevent oxidation reactions which leads to cellular damage. Antioxidants neutralize collagen-damaging free radicals generated by the aging process and other internal and external factors.

The advantages of establishing a simple, yet effective routine for yourself and your loved ones will improve your overall skin health significantly starting now. You will continue to reap the benefits of your healthy skin habits for many years to come. Significant results actually comes from a series of small steps. Slow and steady wins the race when it comes to your skin and skin health.

Another advantage of improving your skin health is that you are also getting your skin primed and prepared for more intense treatments such as chemical peels and microneedling. You will yield better results and quicker recovery. As summer begins to wind down and we look forward to the fall and winter months, we can create a plan to treat some of the sun damage that was induced over the summer with higher sun exposure. Fall and winter are the best time of year to do micro needling treatments and chemical peels. Building a strong foundation with the A,B,C’s of skin care will set you up for success and yield optimal results from more intense procedures.


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Sun Safe, Sun Smart - Caring for Your Skin